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Carmen "Lil Mick" Pluma's Blog♥
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Good Evening Carmen Fans. I spoke with Bert and not too much to report. The doctors came in today and after observing her and her vital signs, they said that she is exactly where they expect her to be at this point in time. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like good news to me. Carmen has a CAT scan scheduled for tomorrow. We are hoping to see that the swelling of her brain has gone down. This would be really great news. Once the swelling starts to subside, we can hope that Carmen will be on the road to waking up. Of course the time line is ALL Carmen. She will wake up only when SHE is ready. So as soon as we get word from Bert regarding the results of the scan we will post another update. Until then, keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming.

Carmen, 33 years ago you entered this world and I knew as soon as I saw your face you were an angel. I knew you belonged to Jesus but it was an honor and a privilege when he let me be your mom. I'm so proud of you. You have grown into a remarkable woman. You are an exotic beauty but your inner beauty is what captivates people. You are kind, generous, loving, and thoughtful. You have an energy that lights up a room when you walk in and anyone who meets you or is lucky enough to call you their friend walks away a better person. You are my angel, so positive and the bravest person I know. Your feistiness will get you through the toughest challenge you will ever face. I love you from the depth of my heart my sweet sweet angel. PS I just want all Albert’s and Carmen’s friends to know you guys are the best, and to Albert’s family you are amazing!! Thanks to everyone!! I love you all God bless - Jodi!