Hi guys,
I went to see Albert and Carmen yesterday and I was fortunate to see Carmen when she was in a good mood. I have to say...she looked GREAT! Albert and I were telling funny stories about her and Kelly (my wife) and Carmen was laughing the whole time as she listened to us. As the conversation went on, we started talking about moving Carmen to the rehab facility and how much better that surrounding will be for her, and Carmen was totally nodding her head at this.
The only thing that would keep Carmen in the hospital is if Jodi and Albert decided to give Carmen the Heparin. But they decided not to give it to her, so now Carmen can move to the rehab facility! Whoohoo! She will be able to go outside, see her dogs, and get a change of scenery. The already took her PIC line out, which is a kind of IV they put in when patients are in the hospital for a long period of time. So taking it out means that they're planning on discharging Carmen soon! In fact, it may even be today.
I did ask Bert if Carmen is in this good of mood all the time. He said that she is certainly in a good mood more often these days, but she also cries a lot because of all that has happened. She is still in pain from her jaw (which is still wrapped up to keep it closed) and most recently, they found out that she has a Urinary Tract Infection, which I hear are no picinic.
Finally, I need to announce to those of you that don't know that tomorrow is Carmen and Bert's 1 year anniversary! So be sure to BLOW THEM UP with comments on this blog and calls and well wishes!
We love you guys. We will be praying for Carmen's spirits to be up more than they're down, for the UTI to get cleared up soon, and that Carmen can move to the new rehab facility soon!