Carmen had some visitors today!
But before I get to that I should mention that Carmen got a great gift for her Anniversary. She left the hospital! Carmen is now at the rehab facility off of Chapman and the 55. If you remember, Monday was super windy and as Carmen was getting pushed outside and felt the wind on her face, she totally smiled. She also enjoyed all the bumps and turns during the car ride. What a relief that must be to be out of there. Bert said one of her nurses cried when she left.
Albert also gave Carmen some Gatorade...the first drink she's had by mouth since BEFORE the surgery! Can you imagine how GOOD that must have tasted? By the way, the fact that she can even drink liquid by mouth is huge. Let's see what else??? Oh yeah, Carmen said "bye" to her friend Lindsay as she was leaving the other day, she said "stop" once, and she said, "God!" our girl kickin' butt or what?!
The PT started up again and now that she's at the rehab facility, it's going to be pretty intense I hear. I will get the low down from Bert tomorrow morning and let you all know how it went.
For now though, just take a look at the pics below Bert sent me from his phone. The dogs came to visit and Carmen was sooooo happy to see them!
Congrats on the move Carmen! It's so nice to see you smile. Keep up all that hard work with PT.
We love you!