Wednesday was another good day for Carmen. Her physical therapist is very pleased by the progress that Carmen has made in just a few short days. She had Carmen sitting completely upwards. She also asked her to hold up 2 fingers and she did it! The therapist does a lot of stretching and range of motion stuff with Carmen. Albert is learning how to do all of this so he can be working with her too.
Albert and Jodi have picked out a rehab facility that Carmen will be heading to. (Not quite sure when. If they decide to give her the Heparin, the blood thinner med, they will keep her longer in the hospital to monitor her.) The name of the center is New Orange Hills. (Click on the name to check out the facility.) It is a great place! It is very centrally located right off of Chapman in Orange. Visiting hours are 24 hours a day! Albert is allowed to the spend the night. And the best part....Carmen will get to cuddle up with her babies.....the "doogies". We all know how much she LOVES those little dogs!!! And how much they love her. They miss their mamma terribly!!! I'm sure a little love from the "doogies" will really help her in her recovery process. There aren't too many facilities that allow dogs inside the rooms, so the fact that this place does is a total blessing.
All of this good progress is not without it's trials though. Last night, Carmen was saying "ouch" a lot as she was moving her jaw around in much different manner than ususal. They found that she had bitten the side of her cheek pretty bad. She even had some tears fall from the corners of her eyes, which was a first for her. They gave her some morphine, but beyond that there is nothing more they could do. It just has to heal on it's own.
Carmen we love you and will be praying for you and that your cheek heals quickly. We are very proud of you. Keep it up!!!