Because she is so confused, scared and anxious, they have asked that she have no visitors for right now. We will let you know when that changes. Carmen just needs to relax and get some rest. However, Albert is VERY MUCH still allowed to have visitors. I know that none of us can even come close to understanding what he must be going through. So the more love and support we can give and show him at this time, the better. So if you can, I know he would love to see you, maybe even drop by with some breakfast, lunch, dinner a midnight snack...or with some nice, kind words of love and encouragement. Maybe toss in a few jokes too! It would be so great if we all could keep reminding him that we love him and are here for him as well as Carmen.
Our love and prayers continue to be with you both. We love you.
P.S. Carmen had her hair washed today by Shoots (Bert's grandma) and Jodi. Carmen loved it. She had a big smile on her face! Here's to many, many more smiles Carmen!!!!!!!